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The Grand Blanc High School Class of 2020 Graduates In Style – Fox News Interview link at the bottom of this article.
Timothy Mucciante – For Cherish Local
The Grand Blanc High School Class of 2020 had a grand send-off at the US 23 Drive-In Theater Thursday night. Although not the typical commencement, it was a graduation ceremony that will be treasured by everyone in attendance.
The commencement video started around 9:30 p.m. and was played on the three screens at the drive-in. Many cars were decorated with congratulatory messages, with some poking fun at the special circumstances of this particular commencement ceremony.
The atmosphere was almost picnic-like at times, with graduates wearing everything from cap and gown to shorts and t-shirts. There was little formality, but some said they really liked the informal setting. Traditional commencement ceremonies are fun in their own way, but not fun like sitting in the bed of a pick-up truck, laying on blankets and eating pizza fun. A few in attendance hoped his would be the future commencement tradition of Grand Blanc High School.
The video presented student speakers and faculty, like Grand Blanc High School principal Michael Fray and Grand Blanc Community Schools Superintendent Clarence Garner. In an interview before the “ceremony”, Mr. Garner said, “I don’t believe words or photos will ever be able to fully express my deep admiration and respect for the class of 2020. These new graduates have the aptitude, perseverance,
and determination that will make our world a better place. Don’t underestimate their kindness or willingness to fight for what is right. The class of 2020 is ready to meet the challenges of the future. I could not be prouder of them!”
The pandemic changed a lot of things for a lot of people, but it did not change the indomitable spirit to move forward. And that is a lesson well learned.
Here is a link to the Fox News interview with Principal, Michael Fray.