Generate & Respond to Reviews
Imagine it’s Friday: Your friends or significant other gave you the task of finding a new place for a beer or date night. Daunting, right? How do you know which places can live up to the fun of your go-to?
Stray from the norm and find something new. Social and search sites are making businesses more visible. People are trusting their friends’ and neighbors’ opinions and finding more places to explore right in their own town! Don’t let a bad review be the reason someone passes your business by
64% of consumers say they check online reviews on Google before visiting a business
Everyone has an opinion; be sure your happy customers are the ones vocalizing them. We have the tools to help you generate reviews on dozens of social and search sites.
Sure, a bad review is bound to happen to even the best. Candidly speaking as a consumer, staying engaged with reviews and responding politely can affect an opinion of your business in a positive way. We get it, you don’t have the time to stay glued to your computer or phone to respond to every single review. We’ll help with that too! Below is an actual Cherish Local report of a customer, whose online visibility has greatly improved due to our efforts of growing their number of reviews. We began working with this client in August of 2016.